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See also 0311 and 0312 (Calea herbal joints). The plant is used by the Chontal Indians of Mexico to obtain divinatory messages during dreaming. Whenever it is desired to know the cause of an illness or the location of a distant or lost person, dry leaves of the plant are smoked, drunk and put under the pillow before going to sleep. Reportedly, the answer to the question comes in a dream. Dreams are important in meso-american cultures. They are believed to occur in a realm of suprasensory reality and, therefore, are capable of conveying messages (Lopez-Austin, 1980). The name of the species comes from Nahuatl " Zacatechichi" which means Bitter grass and is the common name of the plant all over Mexico. It is also known with the Spanish names of Zacate de perro (Dogs grass), Hoja madre (Mothers leaf) Hoja de Dies (Gods leaf), and Thle-pela-kano in Chontal.

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