future and past at onese


New Member
future and past at one'se, first time i fell this filing when i was on magic mushrooms efect.

heloo my name is arthur.

now i know that i can control my time. it is not in the are it is in awer brain's. with the magic mushrooms i open for me a new world... now i understand mor then bifor. all your bodi is kontroled by brains... all fillings what you can feel is in your brain... if you learn the way how to control all your brain you will be the god. the fakt is that we are use only 3% awer barin. what if you wil use more then free?! read athers mind? stop the time? telephatic? broke youre matrix... fell more then you can... find your point of live... i alredy got it.

only few things about my point of the live...

awer uniwersity, was made't from big,massive explotion... and we are just pises of thet explotion... stone - don't fell time, lets think about it...

ps: sory for my bad english. if you want you can translate it from my languege i am from lithuania, now i wil wrote some thing in my langueg. about point of live is more simple then you can imagines.

sveiki, tikiuosi rasiu save palaikanciu asmenu ir bent jau bendraminciu. galbut as esu siektiek isprotejas (crazy) bet o kas nera? juk nera to ligaus etalono. nera to kas galetu pasakytu tu normalus o tu ne. faktas tas kad mes visi naudojam tik tris procentus musu smegenu yra tikras. o kas galetu atverti daugiau? mes patis... tik viskas palaipsniui... viskam savo laikas... stebuklingi grybai man padejo visus taskus ant religijos ir tesiog viska paste i tokias vietas kur viskas ir turetu buti. tik mes zmones bandom visa tai nuslept. ir pasaulis egzistuos tik tol kol zmones tai sleps patis nuo saves. pasaulio pabaiga tai chaosas, chaosas kuris prasides nuo musu paciu. mes pasauli davesim iki galutinio tasko... o tada ir ateis finall destination...

i hope i will find some one who think similary licke me. i'm not crazy, no one das. we dont have any etholon or some think who can say you are crazy and you are not. ewery one is a crazy... and only thet who think is not crazy realy is crazy...

and this one will be last. i can prow that awer brain work in the digital... it is 01 or +- or .- or yes and no.

deep deep in side awer brain