hawaiian baby woodrose

Mr Psychonaut

New Member
has anyone tried this? Im planning to try it in a few days/weeks, any experiences?

and, what is exactly the difference between baby woodrose and morning glory? they both seem to have the same effects, LSD-like for about 6 hours?

wel.. let's try them both..:)
I have tried both morning glory and hbwr seeds 3 times and the first 2 i didnt feel a thing after taking 20 hbwr seeds. The 3rd i got a trip but I have to say that i was not to impressed with the trip that i got. I ate 30 hbwr seeds and 80 morning glory seeds and all that i got was a mild lsd like trip and a bad cramp in my stomac. The hurting in my stomac ended after a couple of hours thoug.... but i must say that real lsd is much more fun :) Tasted good thoug the hbwr seeds tasted like peanuts... I dont think that the difference between hbwr and morning glory is that much... Mabey u get more stomac cramp with hbwr then morning glory. But i think that the effects is about the same...
i've tried those hawaiin seeds many times to experiment, first time i took 6-7 seeds,crushed chased with water = nasty nutty taste, mild lsd like symtoms without visuals ( does include some very,very mild distortion but not very noticable) kinda sickly feeling physically (sometimes includes stomach aches or mild nasea)

Higher doses increases phycial sickness feelings, no increase in visuals or pleasantness, mainly unpleasant trip.

Overall the first time u try it u may find it somewhat pleasant, after that its generally a more sickly feeling trip with only the head trip being of any fun and its not all that either, ive taken it on many different circumstances like camping trips or alone at home and none are all that great...only the mindset it produces is anything like lsd but with the physical oddities involved with these types of seeds it makes it very unpleasant. I have tested i cant cound how many natural and unatural lsd like drugs and they all suck, nothing beats lsd or shrooms and peyote...period....dont waste money on cheap trips theres just no way around it...even the chemicals like AMT or DIPT suck cuz of their physical discomfortness...if u dont feel good physically then ur just off for a bad trip...just get a good shroom growing kit and do the best u can with it.