Psilocybe Mexicana


New Member
This is really good sh*t. We ate 10g of the truffles. The first time you notice it was about after 1 hour. Then we were lauthing about everthing and could not stop. After a while you think its over but then you laught again and its really cracy youn can not stop.

It comes like waves of 1-3 Minutes than you fell almost normal and after 1-2 Minutes you must laugt again. Everything is hard to do (drinking, walking, your hands and arms are feeling heavy...) and you think about strange things.

After about 3 hours its over and you feel really good and relaxed. The next hour you are a little bit of stoned (like smoke a little weeed) and after this our you feel complety normal!

A great 4 hour experiance!

Very good for the first try!

Sorry about my bad english :)