

New Member
i took shrooms yesterday for the second time, but it was much more intense than the first time bvecause i was with my friends. What was amazing is that we all felt the exact same thing at once even though our reaction to them was triggered at different times. What is wierd about shrooms, or was at least for me, is that you'love it and you hate it because you have all the emotions that a human can have in the space of a second. So many mixed emotions at once. My friends, while on it, came to the conclusion that we felt everything and its opposite. Any similar experiences?
absolutely. i know just what you're talkin about. but doesn't that sh*t trigger thought or something? i think it kinda goes to show that we're all sort of connected and everything and the way we feel effects everything around us just like if we move something it effects a bunch of other things. you have to kind of think of emotions as physicalities anyways because they are. emotions are just a series of passageways in the brain that are triggered by certain things and your memory holds on to that and when those things come around again retrigger the same passageways and therefore the same emotions. its all concept and its all energy. you come to conclusions on shrooms and the world seems much different when you realize all of these things. nothing more than a formulation. thats just all the stuff that i found out on shrooms