White coating on Truffles


New Member
I just got my package containing magic mushroom growing kit, a portion of magic truffles (Psylocube Mexicana) and 3 Calea joints. The parcel was sent on 5th January, and arrived within 5 days, but the post office didn't notify me until today!

Anyway, I have a few questions.

1. I noticed there's a thin whitish coating (resembling mold but totally white) on each piece of truffles. My question is: Is it safe to eat them and do they still have potency? When preparing tea with them, what temperature the water should be (boiling or only lukewarm)?

2. As soon as I got the parcel, I did what was necessary for the growing kit. However, I'm not sure how much the kit should be sprayed with water. Are 3-4 'hits' of sprayed water enough for one day? Also, I intend to keep it on my writing table, next to a big monitor. Will the electromagnetic field from the monitor impair the growth of shrooms?

Thanks in advance.

The whit stuff on the truffelds is no problem. You can just rub it off and they are still potent. it is from the truffels themselves. If you want to make tea, you can boil some water and after it has boiled, take it off the fire and pour it into a cup. After that you add the truffels. It is said that psilocybin breaks down when it gets over about 37 degrees Celcius. But if you leave them for only 10 minutes it will release the active substances and your body will absob it quicker. You can also eat them as they are.

Concerning the growkit: 3 or 4 hits are more than enough. Just leave the kit until you got the mushrooms (after about 2 weeks). When you see the first ones coming up you can ope the plasic bag for about 10 minutes to give them some fresh air. After harvesting, you can give the kit another 2 or 3 puffs of water. The best is to use boiled water that has cooled down before spraying. I don't think the electro magnetic field will influence the growth of the shrooms. Have fun.
Droogy thank you for the advice.

I sprayed the terrain with ordinary tap water.. and before that washed the sprayer with a small amount of liquid detergent for dishes... not sure if I have rinsed it 100%, but I tried as best I could. Let's hope it won't spoil things :)
I hope you rinsed it well. I think the mushrooms don't like detergent. I hope to read about the results. Good luck.