Growing Kit questions - help needed


New Member

i've ordered 2 growing kits some weeks ago; the order arrived on October 27th and i took action immediatly; i've follwed your instructions but I'm worried because the growth seems very poor: there's only a little bit of mycellium, and no shrooms yet.

The temperature is stable (around 22 degrees Celsius), they've been getting light (not direct sunlight) and the climate is humid. I don't know what is wrong. Why is the mycellium growing so little? There's only a few bits of mycellium, it seems there's something wrong. Should the mycellium be covering all of the soil by now? Should the shrooms be already growing?

This is what I've done :

1 - when they arrived, I've carefully opened the boxes; there was no visible mycellium yet; i've sprayed them and put them in the plastic bags.

2 - I keep them in a room with a radiator (temperature around 22 degrees Celsius), with natural light (not direct sunlight).

In the past 10 days the mycellium growed, but very very slowly.

Did I do anything wrong? Should I have sprayed them more?

I can show pictures of the kits if necessary, so you can see what i'm talking about.

It sounds like you did everythin right. After about 10 days the first very small shrooms should become visible. Just be patient. You'll be able to harvest 2 or 3 times and everytime there will be more micelium.
ok, thanks.

but anyway: should the mycellium cover all of the soil? I only see some little bits of it.
No. It doesn't need to cover the whole soil. I think your worrying too much. I did with my first kit - I'm on my 6th now and about to harvest it's second flush.

ok, thanks for your help. I was just concerned that already ten days have gone since I began the kit and basically nothing happened. Maybe this is normal.
thanks for your help.

My shrooms started to grow about a week ago; but I'm afraid it is not going as well as I expected. The biggest ones are now about 5 cm in length (about 2 inches); and there's only 5 or 6 of the big ones. The rest of them are still very small. And some of them don't even look like shrooms; they have some very weird shapes. Do you think I should pick them now? I'll try to put some pictures here later.

I think im having the same conserns.

My shrooms are very small and doesnt look like the pic of the Stropharia Cubensis Magic Mushroom Growing Kit at all.So my question is the same as hugo´s.Should i harvest them now or give it more time?

Im afrade that if i wait to long they all will go to waste.
My advice (I've grown them loads of times). If a mushroom hasn't grown for 48 hours - it's stopped - harvest it.

Don't worry about the size and shape. You can get some wierd looking ones, they're all fine to take.

but I think it's all going not so well. I've got two kits growing simultaneously; i've picked up my first flush now and I only got 125 grams. I have some pictures of the kit here:

now there are very few shrooms growing; I think the kits are exausted; maybe I did something wrong, I don't know; but anyway: sjamaans' instructions are very vague; they should be more specific as to recommended light intensity and duration, temperature, humidity, etc.
We will expand the instructions with "recommended light intensity and duration, temperature, humidity"
Anything else that you would like to be in there?

Note to sjamania: please check the instructions and contact me about this.

thankyou for your concern. What I meant was something more specific. Lets take the light issue, for example. In the instructions you say

"Place kit and plastic bag in a place out of any direct sunlight, but not in the dark"

Now this is not very precise. What exactly is "out of any direct sunlight"? Does that mean that they should be in a very lightened room, but out of the sun? Or does it mean they should be in a dusk-like light? I've read somewhere that a 10-watt bulb is fine, even just for a couple of hours everyday. In the end, I'm just guessing. My two kits were first put in a room where they would not get any direct sunlight, but where the natural daylight was somewhat strong. They gave very poor first flushes. One of them died (could it be because of too much light?). Now I put the surviving one in a room with much less light ant it looks like they're growing more consistently. It's a dark room, with just a little light coming in. The temperature has been stable all the time and the climate is humid, so I guess it was the light that caused the so poor fist flush (45 grams in one kit and 80 in the other). And that is another thing I don't understand. The two kits have always been in the same conditions. Why is it that one is much stronger than the other?

Thanks for your help.
Hello Hugo,

"out of any direct sunlight" means that you need to put the kit in a light room but the sunlight must not shine directly on the kit.

Why your kit died, is probably the fault of a mould infection, this could happened because of several reasons.

I do not understand why one kit should be stronger than the other kit, they should be the same,so that is strange.

best regards,
