Psilocybe Mexicana truffle grow kit


New Member

Huh, long time no see =)

Well, i have a question. Im going to order from you

Psilocybe Mexicana truffle grow kit, so, my question is:

I've read that i should store truffles in a fridge..But lets say i dont have a chance to store it in a fridge.

Is it possible to dry truffles, or store them on some other way? This would help me a lot, thank you.

Dry them is possible of course, if I remember correctly truffles contain only 50% water so drying them will be easy and when dry they can be stored for a long period. Fresh can be stored 3 weeks in fridge, but dried if you have them in an airtight container, cool and dark last up to 6 months after that they become weaker.

Just spread them nicely out on news papers and let them dry in a nice dry and warm area but keep out of light and no temperature close to 40 degrees Celcius. Use fan if possible to speed up the process.

I think thats about it, wont be no problem :)

Take care...

Thank you smiley, you've made my day. :)

I've ordered 4 Psilocybe Mexicana truffle grow kit kits) - 0.4 litre


So, if the instructions are correct, i should just put the kits in a dark place with room temperature (20-24C)

for at least 6 weeks. That sounds easy, even too easy :

Sjamaan crew, I've made my order and I've sent the money (cash), I hope you will get it soon.

See ya soon,
