A Sad Trip


New Member
Have any of you out there have ever had a sad trip, not a bad trip in any way. But just a bummed out trip where you were sad the whole time but did not feel anything like a bad trip, just sad. Maye you had problems with a boyfriend or girlfriend or you were just plain depressed while on them.

Not on mushrooms. So far I've just had a couple insanely happy and excited trips, and a couple incredibly lazy ones. Both fun though.

I've had sad drug experiences though, just not from mushrooms
I returned from The Scottish music festival, after having had the most amazing experience of my life on cubensis........

I have a friend who is dying from lung cancer, an old head if ever there was one.......and as I had a whole bagful of these shrooms (leftovers from traders, who kindly passed them my way, good friends), we did some together....we had the most wonderful night,....... of course there was sadness..but in such a positive way.....the experience that I have had with the cubensis is just pure beauty....unlike anything I have experienced before....