

New Member
i experienced a trip while a few months ago, at its peak i felt that i was a skinny bright brown nymph type creature, i felt that inside everyone was one of these featurless nymphs, has anyone had a simular experience, pls i would appreciate if u also left your age/sex and possibly context it was taken and reason for tripping, thankyou
in retrospect i feel this may have been my soul, why hasnt anyone contributed, I

am interested in unlock the secrets of the mushroom and require peoples help
The only experience I had with a Nymph was just before an out of body experience. I didn't dare to leave my body, when suddenly there was this nymph telling me it was O.K. and that I should not worry. It was very slim, with pointy fingers feet and head. I never met it again.
I heard of people meeting nymphs while on DMT -- I've done alot of mushrooms and never had that experience, though, I'm sorry.