Poor Kitty!!


New Member
Me and my friend had some shrooms out and were preparing them for later and our lil spaz ass kitten she's about 10 weeks old and smokes weed with me and she's also had some coke before too, she was on the counter and ate one of our caps it's laced with ecstacy...does anyone know what will happen to her??? lol right now she's licking herself and running around like she always does our kitten is pretty f**ken cool but i hope nothing bad will happen...POOR CHEBA!!!

someone write back cheryl
Probably will turn out alright. If you realy want to give your cat some pleasure, you should give her some catmint (Catnip). They realy love it and they get stoned from it. Realy funny to look at their eyes when they are tripping on catnip. Good luck.
I must say I totally disgree with this kind of animal treatments, it's okay if you f**k up your own body with all kinds of drugs from alcohol to the toughest cacaine, from weed to ether, but leave those animals alone, they never asked for our drug inventions, it's the same as all those ducks who eat the bait of fishermen and die from a fisher's hook in their throat.

Please do nature a favour and take the drugs only for yourselves and leave all the little and big animals out of it.

Tough I am a drug addict still I am a nature's freak.

Totally agree with you Haydn.. so AZhOtTiE and Droogy: Never have to tell this kind of think here anymore, it will not be appriciated

Droogy is here so i will kick his ass!!!
Hello..? Does anyone know what catmint really are? I don't think so.. Catmint is a plant, and essenses from it are used as the main ingredient in cat-toys........Kittens below the age of three months usually ingnores it, while elderly cats can go totally crazy when they smell it. They jump and run and rub themself in the source of the delicious smell and "purrrs" with unlimited pleasure and happyness. And yes, some cats actually get high from it, but it's completely harmless and it won't lead to addiction for the cat. The reactions on catmint can be various from cat to cat, and over 1/3 of all cats does not respond to catmint at all. In the catmint there is a substance called " nepatalactone", and it's very alike the smell of a female cat's urine. Naturally, males will respond stronger to it than females. That was today's lesson. Soo.. if you want to give your cat a nice treat, give it a catmint trip.

I think an excuse to Droogy is at it's place.

And don't be so damn irresponsible leaving your shrooms around everywhere, AZhOtTiE!:eek:
I do not think it's O.K. to have your cat eat mushrooms, have coke and XTC. The statement Droogy made, was to lightheaded for me. If somebody wants to do drugs, thats fine, but take rewsponsibility for your cat AZhotie. As far as Nepeta cataria, I did not know that it effected cats by nepetalactones. ThanX.