Questions about pupils and acting normal


New Member
I also have never done shrooms, and am just realizing how accessible they are for me. I know many people at school who sell them, one being a fairly good friend of mine. Anyway, I know quite a lot about them and their effects, but I have a few questions. When tripping, is it obvious to other people that you are on drugs if you don't say anything or act weird, other than your dilated pupils? And how long do your pupils stay dilated, and how noticeable are they? I mean, do they last even after the trip is over?

Thanks in advance, and this is a pretty cool forum.

**Edited post after I read the rules and how people hate when the subject just says "A few questions". (Mine was "A short question." or something)...Thats how much respect I have for you guys! Cheers!
dude your going to be paranoid if your worrying if people know your tripping or not, who cares. If its your first time though do it with someone that you trust and has more experience tripping than you, or just do it alone.
Just dont think about it so much. Thats how people trip thereselves out. Thinking to much. Just relax.. grub your mushrooms and just trip balls.
Dang, if your worried about people knowing your on shrooms, well don't. The fits of spontaneous laughter will make them think your just plain nuts. If its your first time doin shrooms maybe a more privat setting with some friends would be best.
I just have a couple simple questions to ask.

I'm getting some within these few days to do on Friday, my day off. some people, and websites say a trip lasts 4-6 hours, some say 4-8, and I've seen 5-10. I'm only going to do 2 grams because im a newb, and because I heard these ones are pretty strong. If the trip is going really long, during the comedown are you more like a normal person (if you know what I mean)? And after the trip is over (I know you still feel slight affects usually), are the signs of drugs still evident (ie pupils, laughter).

I only ask because my brothers get home at around 3, and though they dont care, I don't like to encourage them, or lower their perception of me.

My plan was: pop them around 8:30 - 9:00, listen to some music, possibly watch The Wall again, but thats getting old, maybe bust out Tool - Salival (I hadn't found a use for that DVD until pot came), and maybe venture through the woods in my ravine. Well, if im still tripped when everyone comes home, could it just look like im tired or something? heh...or would I still be really out of it. Well, it doesnt really matter to me, I just thought I'd ask. Sorry for the 3 page essay for 1.5 questions.
It depends how strong the effects are of the shrooms. I took 30g fresh (= 3g dry)at 9.30pm and the last of the effects wore off at about 6.00am, so quite a long trip, i managed to sleep for an hour at about 3am (how, i do not know!?) and i was still gettin trippy visions when i woke up, so basically for the last hour or so, i felt a lot calmer and more in control of the situation, and by about 6.00am the visuals had stopped and my pupils were more or less back to normal.

By 3.00pm i would think that you would still be havin a few visuals but be in a state where you can control them better and be re-entering reality, but again, all depends how strong your trip is in the first place.

Also if it's your first time shroomin especially, you'll probly feel really weird even after the trippin is over, cos for me at least, it changed my perspectives on a lot of things and i was in a philosophical state of mind for days after, anyways, im sure all will be good, have fun!
Thanks alot. I was thinking, maybe I'd take them even earlier because I think if I was worried that I won't be cool by the time I have to be (5, or 6) I might start bugging out. When I first started smoking pot this would happen. I'll just wake up early, piss, throw on UmmaGumma and eat em up, but the problem is I'd have to be quiet for a couple hours, so maybe not a good idea. I'll just see what happens, and stop newbin out the board.