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mushrooms make you think alot.

even when not on mushrooms does anyone think alot? about everything? analyzing every situation? every movement, how people say things, what are they thinking? what are they thinking that i am thinking? paranoia? depression? low self esteem? i think too much, someone help me.

I know just what you mean. That is the hidden beauty of shrooms. You see thru everything, even your own ego. Little things like- I remember being at a great outdoor mountain music fest and seeing a great band and everything was perfect- except, there was a guy in front of me who was ill with a fever. He mustve caught a bug...he was wrapped in a wool blanket, and its summer in CA. I could tell he was sick not from his appearance, but because of the shrooms, I just could feel how he felt. Fortunately, the vibes of the gathering caught my attention more, so I was able to accept that this guy was sick and he'll get better, and just enjoy the revelations and the tunes and atmosphere.

I also remember being at a hippie show at the Greek in Berkeley, getting into the magic with my friends, and my dad was sick at home. I couldnt get him out of my mind. So instead of battling with trying to ignore it, I found great strength in passing the love from the crowd thru a tube all the way 300 miles north to my dad, channeling healing energy. Im not usually into heavy meditation, but this process made my trip strong and worthy with out worry.

Shrooms give it all to us. Theyre almost more realistic than reality. Ya gotta excercise acceptance and yourself, depending on surroundings. May I suggest being around nature with good friends that wont hassle you if you wander alone? Good music that makes you feel? Try nature, you'll find it to be easier to learn about than people. Even being with nature, you get truths. I usually end up getting sad about the environment and the Earths distresses even moreso...really feeling how nature feels. It can be overwhelming...

When I have music and friends and dancing, thats when I have a "fun" time. Its just as important as "the truths" and allows us to really fell the importance of music and dance. Heh! as if we needed an aid! Well, I'd rather shroom than use chemicals. Its all spiritual fun anyway.

I fumble and think too much and have a hard time speaking my thoughts...tieing my shoe, rolling a smoke... a good companion that is also shroomin' can make all those frustrations very funny. If not, pull yourself up, and focus on the sky. Shrooms squeeze the symbology outta everything.

but the thinking has has migrated into everyday life, even without the mushrooms. when i talk to someone, even my good friends i begin to think poorly of myself. the last time i did mushrooms was a bad trip, usually i am able to control my drug of choice, but i couldn't, ever since, my confidence has been shot, i think i need to encounter something while on mushooms to overcome this mental catasrophy.
In my opinion, No, you dont need to do shrooms again. You might 'like to try them again to see a new result or try to get an answer' but the answer is from with in yourself. There must be a whole other picture to your "mental catastrophe".

Im a pretty confident person who thinks well of myself, and I've felt poorly of myself on shrooms before, and same with alcohol. Youre not a wierdo. But, I think you need to clear some things up for yourself before using shrooms again. May I suggest a very beautiful amazing righteous CD by a band called Michael Franti and Spearhead- 'Stay Human' Its on 6 Degrees records. This music has uplifted the reality that everyone counts. Its conscious hip hop /soul/reggae/funk...dont know if thats your thing, but music has always been the catalyst of emotion and thought, and it's easier to deal with than drugz. Good luck, and be you.
This is what I think. Your normal! I have the same thoughts, like, is this guy or chick lying to me? So I personally think it is quite normal.

If I were you I would do shrooms while with some close friends and just relax my mind, enjoy the vibe. then all your thoughts "hopefully" will be better.

By the way good luck on your personal journey.:D