Mushrooms in a hotel room



Me and four friends are going to do mushrooms (and a couple of other drugs) soon and intend to rent a hotel room for 2 days to do them in. They said to me that one person at a time should do the mushrooms because otherwise it could be dangerous, is this true, and are there any precautions we should take in case anything goes wrong, or to prevent anything going wrong?
Also, if one of my friends is having a bad trip and i'm not on the mushroooms, is it best to try and talk them out of it, or just leave them or what?

Thanks in advance
if none of you are experienced trippers you might want to limit the tripping to one person, but I have found it is good to have someone else to trip with. having two of you sitting while the other two eat the shrooms might work out. If someone starts wigging out just pay attention to them and be as helpful as possible for them.Don't try and 'talk sense' as this could only make it worse. remind them that they will come down eventually and encourage them to just go with the flow. I believe a responsible preparation before tripping is invaluable to your experience. Try not to put too many limitations and rules on the upcoming trip, just go along with what happens. it all depends on the individuals personality..remember that if worse comes to worse, you are still there underneath everything. Like Ground Control, and the trip is Apollo 13 or something.
Shrooms in a hotelroom? No way! Tripping in such a claustrofobic space for 5 hours? not me.