Shrooms everyday

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New Member
I recently started taking shrooms everyday. After being told many times it takes 24 hours to dissapear from your system, being told that nothing major can ensue and being at ease financialy, I don't see a problem. Anyone sees one? Does anyone have add info on that?
Is there any medical reason for taking mushrooms every day? Cluster headaches for instance?
just dont get carried away by takin um daily, have a few days off um, smoke some weed or sommink. try to reflect on and learn from your shrooming expeirence.

did u find u have to keep upping the dose everyday??
yeah. pretty much what I do. I read indians used to keep their constitution high with less than .5 per day.

I feel its just temporary. Dunno. I feel that way. I barely have to up the dose. I would say probably by .2 or .3 but it's so hard to judge because it depends on so many things (sleep, hunger, quality)

Thanks guys!
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