Shroom Toys


New Member
Hey I was just wondering, what exactly does everyone use to entertain themselves when on a trip? Personally, I'm found of those little electricity balls, also lava lamps are mad neat.
Now do we have light or no light? I found that the trip was more intense in the dark, with a little lamp on. Sound familiar to anyone? Or am I on my own on this one?
Have you ever tried to go out of your body, fly into the is very entertaining and educational. :)

In a darkened room. switch on a powerful lamp which is aimed downwards onto something black to absorb as much light as possible. Then look into the ray of light, cause dust somehow, or even just ciggy smoke, and you will witness the birth of the universe from the big bang to the condensation of galaxies. As well as inumerable UFO s to boot.

If anyone does try this post in and let me know what you think.
Take a nice walk in the forest or heatland and enjoy the sunset as the moon is rising behind you and the first stars start showing up. Thats a realy cosmic experience. Also tripping in complete dark wil give nice visuals.