Time of day


New Member
How important is it that you take them early in the day and not at night? Also, how long does the drug stay in your system?
It stays in your system about three days, as it's water soluable and passes quickly.

go to the link, erowid is always grand.

I prefer taking shrooms in the day because I like looking at the sun and how it makes everything beautiful. I tend to have more hallucinations at night though. My best trip ever was when the sun was out, but it was raining. No lightning or anything just rain. I don't know why but it f**king rawked (=
I've tried taking mushrooms at several different times of day and the only thing I can tell you is not to take them within three hours or so of waking up. 3 hours being the period of time in the morning when I am surly confused and unpleasent. I at like four grams first thing in the morning with friends who had been up since dawn mantra chanting or whatever you morning people do. Anyway about 2 minutes or so after I took them I started to hear sound as if it were created solely for y benefit like when your falling asleep and tv seems to be talking to you, but I stayed half asleep and confused the whole time, I didn't know where I was or what was going on I just kept watching the waves of sound bounce around the room. I was actually BORED which is friggan amazing but I couldn't pay attention to anything long enough to enjoy it.
I've always noticed halucinations more of a night time, patterns of green and purple mainly, I also like the eerieness of the darkness. Tripping in the day can be good for noticing patterns in grains of wood and trees etc. but you always seem more likely to have an unwanted intrusion or interuption to your trip, I prefer finding a nice place with trees and a stream where your unlikely to bump into any *non trippers*. :D