Orgasmic and nirvana mushroom


New Member
And history about me and mushroom i have life yesterday.

Same if the word will be not too much intense for say what i have life ,i explain to you what he is arrive.

In the afternoon . i take a gram and i trip all the afternoon . Its intense but its alittle bit to compare at what he is arrive in the night.

In the nighby 8 oclock i decide to take mushroom on the bag i dont know how 3 4 gram. After a wild with friend the moment is so intense. I leave in the bedroom just me with myself. After a moment i begin to not control anything of me all is doing by i dont know kind of demon or god. I have begin to have orgasm . I am a guy and i have strong orgasm of girl and particullary my girl friend in head. For 3 hour the moment have be nirvana. My body possede. Orgasme total. The passage of life in me. The see of god the batisation the fall dow of sky in the body the explosion of me. carrement . It was fantastic . More than fantastic. This word are nothing to side of this i have life. It was the total liberaiton. It was not calm and my friend are come see me and i have orgasm a lot .they was triped their too to side of me . I was singing and do hot song . A mad of fact i dont know how explain this. Maybe a camera was have help.

So a people have life this kind of experience.

Ps if you have life you wiil be sure about what i talk.

Its ttoo much ikntense .
I once had a flashback while reaching orgasm. I never suspected it because I did shrooms 4 days before and i thought all psylocybin passed my body.NOT! I came, fell on the floor and my mind drifted into apathy. my girlfriend slapped me in the face and told me to snap out of it. this took about 30 sec. but in 30 sec I saw everyone that was f**king in the world.around the world in 30 sec...

Maybe I even saw you....
and actually it is possible for a guy to reach orgasm without ejaculation but thats a tantra-technique and not very healthy for the prostate.